Dr. LaTarsha Holden: From Homeless to PhD with God's Help

As a homeless mother of six children, LaTarsha Holden began having dreams that she was speaking to people all over the world. On today’s episode she shares her journey from homeless to PhD and motivational speaker.

Episode Discussion Points

  • How she went from being homeless and being squatters living in an abandoned house to getting her PhD.

  • What a pastor told her (that made her mad) and was the catalyst for her journey.

  • What to do when your struggles outlast your strength.

  • How she got help when she felt like she was drowning by going to the hospital

  • Sometimes you can’t give your children all the fancy things they want—but you can give them love and teach them to serve and give back.

  • Even when you don’t have anything, you can serve.

  • Lead by example because children are watching you.

  • aTips to young people and mothers: Lead well and leave a legacy

  • God gives each of us gifts—be the best you that you can be. You have the power to change your gifts. Your gifts are your legacy.

  • Teach your children your emotions and talk through hard times with them. Help them see how you struggle and keep going.

  • “You are the generational curse breakers.”

  • “Its not about who gets to the finish line faster. . . There is no competition when you are authentically you!”

  • If you are wondering what your gifts are, ask: What really makes you happy (if money weren’t an issue) and pursue those things. “Just be who you are. It doesn’t have to be something grand.”

  • God would tell you, “Use what I gave you.”

  • “If you are faithful to God, God will take you places man cannot.” But don’t give up because its not overnight.

  • Fulfill your vows to God.

  • Will you serve when people don’t know you? Can you serve with the little that you have?

  • Sometimes you can be delivered from homelessness or other challenges, but the residue, the doubt is still there.

  • When she asked God why He allowed to her struggle so much and so alone she learned two things:

    • He didn’t want others to take credit for her success when it was God helping her.

    • She realized she needed her wilderness experience to build up her muscles and not give up as easily, to prove to herself she was strong.

  • Sometimes when you are in the purging process, you feel like God is trying to kill you. But the purging process is there to purify and strengthen you and make you a warrior.

  • Best advice to kids: Get to know God for yourself. Learn how to cry out to Him. Ask God for wisdom and guidance because He is the only one who knows about tomorrow.

  • Focus on what God thinks about you—not what the world thinks about you.

  • You walk and talk different when you know God has been with you and gotten you out of a struggle. There is an inner confidence.

Favorite Bible Verse

“Jesus wept.” Jesus had a human side and it is okay to cry and have human emotions. He is Lord of Lords but he cried. He isn’t so above us that He can know what we go through.

Dr. Holden Resources

  • Her book, “No Longer Lost.”

  • “Leadership Principles” book

  • Parenting Guide, “Nurture Me So I Can Grow.”

  • All of her books are on Amazon or on her website: https://www.drlatarshaholden.info/

  • She is also an excellent speaker and can be booked on her website.

  • She is also a coach if you need personal coach.

Connect with Dr. Holden

#tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #homeless #singlemother #Godshelp #NothingisImpossible #success #dontcompare #reachingyourdreams #workhard #change


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  0:03 

I often pose the question as a pastor, what happens when your struggle outlasts your strength? We all know we can go through something for a couple of days couple even a month but what happens when your problem last years? And so for me trying to navigate homelessness for four years keeping six kids motivated while I felt like I was mentally drowning, it got too hectic for me.


Tamara Anderson  0:31 

Welcome to Stories of Hope in Hard Times, the show that explores how people endure and even thrive in difficult times, all with God's help. I'm your host Tamara K. Anderson. Join me on a journey to find inspiring stories of hope and wisdom learned in life's hardest moments.

My guest today is a prolific author, political candidate, Georgia and American Mother's 2020 National Mother of the year. She changed her life from poverty, homelessness and hopelessness to education and receiving her doctorate degree. As the mother of six children, her leadership principles became a solid foundation from which her children built careers in the military, medical field, became authors, college students and young adult leaders. She has been a guest panelist on different platforms to discuss topics such as leaders in ministry, race and poverty in America, women in politics, entrepreneurship and homelessness. She's also a licensed and ordained minister. I am pleased to present Dr. Latarsha Holden. Dr. Holden, are you ready to share your story of hope? Awesome.

Oh, and I am so excited to have you on the podcast today. What a tremendous blessing. So my first question is, how in the world did you go from homelessness, to getting your doctorate degree? I mean, I can't even imagine the steps that happened to have that journey come to pass. Would you mind sharing that story?


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  2:15 

So 14 years ago, all of this happened in the last 14 years. 14 years ago, I was 35 years old, homeless in the streets of Atlanta with six children, for four years. I had a GED and no work history. So initially, my thought process was, Okay. How would I be able to change not only my life, but my six children lives around. At that time, I had two kids in high school, two kids in middle school and two kids in elementary school. And when we was living in a boarded up house of squatters, I just remember that I had to do something to fight for my family. I really didn't know what that would look like, dropped out of 10th grade. I have four kids by the time I was 22. So in my mind, I really never saw anything through or really was organized as a young person. But I just said, Well, I got to keep my six kids from the school to prison pipeline, drugs, gangs. And I just decided to go back to college. While we was living in that boarded up house as squatters, I was getting out of my mind. I am 35. Haven't been in school since I was 15 years old. But I knew I had to do something to at least try to save my family from homelessness and poverty.


Tamara Anderson  3:30 

Wow, what were the first steps that you took to to decide, okay, I'm gonna go to college. What did that look like?


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  3:41 

It was not my first thought, you know, when you're in pain, you want stuff to happen immediately. You want God to kind of come and do something magically in your life. And I just remember, I started having dreams, visions of me speaking and preaching around the world. And so I went to church one Sunday, and when the female pastor came off the pulpit after the service, I went to her and said I’m having these dreams and visions of me preaching and speaking, I don't know where to start, honestly. I thought she was going to have me go join the ministry class, and God was gonna make it all better. But she did not do that. She asked one question as she listened to who I was, and where we live in the boarded up house. She said, Well, did you finish school? I said, No. She said, you probably want to start there. I left out of there on a Sunday morning, I'd say I was mad. I'm like, No, I'm thinking so I left out of that church. Go back to school. What is this lady talking about?

But at night and I'm bored at home, I start to pace the floor. No crying out to God. And I just say, Well, I guess I give it a try. And that's what led me to even think about going back to school. But I tell you, um, had she not suggested that I probably wouldn’t know what to do at that point. But I'm glad he did. And that was the starting point of me at least trying to get my life back on track. But I tell you that journey that four years was so hard. I often pose the question as a pastor what happens when your struggle outlasts your strength? We all know we can go through something for a couple of days, couple even some months but what happens when your problem last years? And so for me trying to navigate homelessness, keeping six kids motivated, while I felt like I was mentally drowning, that got too hectic for me.

So I remember walking into a hospital here in Riverdale, Georgia. And I walked through them glass doors, I know I was probably looking frazzled. My hair. I was just tired. And I said, Ma'am, I don't think I can do this anymore. She said, Ma'am, are you saying you want to commit suicide? I said Yes, ma'am. I've tried everything. Nothing is working. And they kept me for a week for observation. And in that, on that floor, they have a padded room. And I asked lady at the desk, I say Ma'am, can I go in there? She said, Ma'am, you're no threat to anybody. I said, I know. But I need to go in there. At this point, I was not raised in the church. But I went into that room and I dropped down to my knees every day. I was definitely weak. And I just remember raising my hands up to to heaven crying out God, are you there? Please help me I'm scared. I'm lost. I don't know what to do. And I would do that the week that I was there until they released me. Now, although my situation did not turn around immediately, I knew something was different. And before I knew it, I had matriculated through college with my AA, my BA, my MBA, but when I got into the Ph D program for leadership studies now I did want to jump up to heaven and high five the man.


Tamara Anderson  6:59 

I'm so impressed that you were able to seek help from your pastor, from the hospital, from God while you're at the hospital. And these became such critical moments in your life. Can you share why it is so important that we reach out when we reach these overcome moments when we feel like life is just too hard for us to keep going on?


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  7:22 

The journey was just too hard. Like you said, I think that took some courage to walk into the hospital and say I can't do I don't know what to do, but that week there gave me a time to just cry out to God and just be in solitude for that week. But one thing I did to save my six children from the streets and the gangs and going off, dropping out of high school, I gave my kids all I had to give them. That was humiliating for me because I had kids in high school and middle school they wanted the stuff they saw their friends had. I didn't have money, I didn't have anything of material possession that I could give to them. So I told my six children, I don't have anything materially to give you. So all I have to give you is to show you how to serve and to love you unconditionally. I've been a servant leader since I was a little kid. And so for me, I've been rejected all my life. So I thought, Oh my God, I want to do my own thing. I got to teach them how to give back. And so I said, Well, I want to teach you guys how to serve. What are you talking about mom? We don't have anything. How can we help somebody else? And I tell you, I just gave my children the only key that I possess and that was service to others. And I got the newspaper articles and we did about five events in a community so I can teach them the principles of servant leadership.

Now although they complain and grumble and we want this, mommy, try and teach, how can we help? They was watching me. I was teaching them. My son came to me as senior in high school. He said Mother my way of giving back is going into the United States Marine Corps. He has served two and a half years in the Marines. Now he's medically retired. He just received his associate degree in business. Now he's gone to get his bachelor's. Another son became an entrepreneur, doing different things from rideshares, looking after his grandparents. I forgot what they call it, not a CNA, but someone that look after you know, his grandparents. They fell ill. My other daughter said mom, my way of giving back is going into the medical field. She's an EMT, licensed pharmacy tech, and she just graduated, well she just finished her last class to graduate in a couple of weeks for her Bachelor's in Human Services. Another daughter said mom, my way of giving back, first she said to get a degree in Human Services she graduated two years ago her bachelor's. She joined United States Army three years ago. My 20 year old is now full time published author, a serial entrepreneur. She just released a board game for children to teach them on investing and how to give back, the life lessons that I taught her. And my youngest son just graduated from high school, his name is Omega. There's no more coming after him. He is the last and the end. I named him Omega. And he's gainfully employed. And I tell you, God has blessed me to win awards. But if he took me home today, my greatest achievement was to see my six children. And I also got a chance to see my grandson last year before Christmas, become a published author at nine years old.


Tamara Anderson  10:38 

That is so powerful. I love I love the principles that you've taught here, not only teaching your children that they can become and do anything, and that you gave them the skills to do that. And, and I think they also learned a lot just by watching you, right? Hey, look what mom did. And if mom can do that, surely I can do it. Do you know what I mean? So I think a lot is the power of example. So you you go around, and you speak to so many people, what is one of the key messages you give, to help motivate them in their discouraging times?


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  11:20 

Was two things I talked about. First, I'm big on legacy, how to lead well and leave a legacy. And a lot of times I tried to encourage people. Bound by the grace of God, this year alone, God has had me speak from India to Switzerland, Australia. When I say I saw myself speaking to people around the world, well, although the world was closed down, he brought the world to me. People all over the world I’ve been on their podcasts and shows. But my thing is about leading well to leave a legacy and it doesn't mean that you're going to be a celebrity. It mean, be able to use your skills and talents. If you're a baker, you just be the best baker you can be. Whatever you got, whatever gifts God because we all have it inside of us. The power the the greatness lies within each of us. And so Jim Rohn said, the man doesn't have the power to change his destination overnight, but he could change the direction overnight. So that's what it's about, using your skills. And if it's being a happy, stay at home mama, singing, whatever your gifts I try to tell people to use that. And whoever you're meant to touch, that is your legacy.

One thing I notice about my kids, I tell parents, I got wise sharing tips over 30 some years of me parenting. Be honest with your kids. When you're going through stuff, let them see them emotions, talk to them. I'm feeling depressed. Let kids know that it's okay. When you start to when life starts to show up, it's okay to process their emotions to cry. The thing is, when you get down, it's okay to get down. You got to get back up. You got to keep fighting. Had I given up on my journey, that's what I tell parents, had I given up I don't know what would have happened to my children or my grandchildren. You are the generational curse breakers. Now, I want been able to see the generational curse being broken off of my family. And now my grandchildren. Now God has allowed me to see my children be blessed. Now he's allowed me to see my grandchildren start to want publish books and do things. So you got to keep going. It's not about who gets to the finish line quicker. It’s about I learned. I don't push nothing. When I ran for office, I didn't do it to try to seem like I'm somebody. I just start running according who I am. When you know who you are, and who God made you to be, there is no competition. When you are authentically you there is no competition.


Tamara Anderson  14:27 

I love that. No, you're absolutely right. Because we can only be our best selves. And I think we struggle the most when we try to compare ourselves to others and say, Well, I want to be like them. But that's their journey. We have to figure out well, what's my journey? So I have an interesting question for you. I was speaking a couple months ago and a woman came up we were talking about you know in inherent traits that we have. And she goes, What if I don't feel I have any? What if I feel I don't have any of these gifts or talents? So sometimes we feel like everybody else has gifts and talents. But we don't.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  15:17 

I actually feel like that because I was like, God, I don't have any gifts and talents. You know, because I'm, I wasn't from the corporate world, I haven't worked in government or nonprofit for 20, 30 years. What’s my gifts and talents. I love to empower. I love to encourage people, I love to walk with the broken. To the world that’s like nothing, because it's not fortune 500 material. And so you got to give and tell. Whether you like sitting with the elderly. That's a gift. Whether you like reading to children in a hospital that are sick. It’s a gift. The thing is, we feel if it’s not big time, if it's not dance and singing, something athletic, we feel like we don't really have. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. And so what I did was my gift is encouraging and wanting to love on people and, and inspire people. So how did I did that? How do I use that gift? Speaking, writing, I'm running for city council, advocating for issues that are dear to me. That's how I use my gifts. So wherever you are, you're like, I don't have the gifts. That's because you're looking on the outside, everyone else you look on inside realize what really makes you happy. I mean, if money wasn't an issue, you can get up every day and go do it. That's your that's your gift.

And so I just found myself and but I definitely was like, God, can you use me? I don't have anything. Use what I gave you. You're kind. You just got to figure out a way to put it in a little business or, you know. I just decided with every book that I wrote, I use kindness and compassion. Whether I'm telling my life story, whether I'm writing a book, I wrote a book on leadership or a parenting guide, whether I speak, you know, run for city council, whether I'm letting people know that somebody stands with you. And so yeah, it's just be who you are. You don't have to be something grand. That's how we miss out on our purpose. Because we keep thinking has to be something grand. But I tell you this, if you're faithful to God, God would take you places that man cannot. 14 years ago had someone told me, young lady or lady, if you keep going, 14 years later, you're gonna be interviewed around the world. You're gonna be featured in magazines, God will reward you for your faithfulness. The thing is we give up cause it's not overnight. My daughter when she started to write a book, and I don't know how to, I said the thing is you can't get caught up with the overnight stuff. You got to keep going and all God wanna see faithfulness. When he see your faith. Tamara, I don't have money to market books. I don't have money to market those when I started writing. I didn't. So I really haven't made a lot of sales because I don't I don't know how to market really good. You know, that's not my thing. But it has taught me no, I just well, I'm gonna keep writing and using my gifts. And maybe one day God will bring somebody along that's going to help me market.

I ran for city council. Was I in a political connection or know anybody of influence? So I was the underdog in a race when I ran for city council in 2017. But I remember I made a vow to God, if you deliver me from hopelessness and homelessness, I'll go back and fight for others. And so when I realized that it came up in my district, I kept my vow to God. So a lot of times, people forget when God delivered them what they told God they was going to do. So even I even though I didn’t win that race, it was a win for my family. When I look back and see my grandchildren, out there with their signs, vote for my grandma, we’re out there, that's a win, you know. So yeah, you just, use your gifts in ways, it can be small.


Tamara Anderson  19:35 

We're going to take a quick break, but when we get back, we'll have more lessons, tips and things you can apply to your life. Stay tuned.

Are you looking for a gift for a friend, sister or mother who is really struggling right now and you're not sure what to get them? It's hard for me to sometimes find those gifts and so today I'm so excited to tell you about this booklet, “The Mother’s Mite.” It's a perfect, simple, inexpensive gift you can give your friends, your family, your sisters, anyone that you want to share this story with. And it will be meaningful. It's not just a little piece of candy that they eat and forget, it's something they can read over and over again. Because so often we, as women feel alone and overwhelmed and burdened, and like there's so many things weighing upon our shoulders. And what I love about this story is that it points us to Jesus Christ in our times of trouble, that he understands us. He loves us, He knows what we're going through, and he is more than willing to help us bear that burden. And I love that about this story that it gives not only me hope, but it will convey that sense of hope for all of you. So get your copy of it today. Tamarakanderson.com/store, you can order 1, 2, 10, 20, however many you want, and we will get those to you so you can get them distributed. Alright, now on to our show.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  21:09 

I got a newspaper article I’m in, when I taught my six kids, when I was doing events in the community. I didn't even I wasn't even a person, I didn’t have a name or degree, it just says Jonesborough woman helps the homeless. Didn't even say my name or anything. And what God would do, God wants to show faithfulness before you go from glory to glory level to level where you serve, when people don't know you. Can you serve with the little that you have? And so God has, the stuff that he has done and rewarded me for my faithfulness, I'm forever grateful. And I just give him all the praise.


Tamara Anderson  21:50 

Well, he has blessed you immensely. And what a gift that you have to be able to share your thoughts and your journey with the world. It's just, it's incredible. And it's so inspirational. And I love the legacy part. I was just thinking so many times as mothers, we feel like what we're doing doesn't matter, you know? And I think that's the devil come in and say what you're doing doesn't matter. It's you know, mothering doesn't matter. But the truth is mothering matters a whole bunch. Because look at the difference you have made in your children's life. And in your grandchildren's, like you broke those chains already. And you built a new future not only for yourself, but for generations.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  22:38 

And generations, they call me and when my son got his associates degree, I remember when when I ran for city council, and my son was stationed in Tennessee. Yeah, he was stationed in Tennessee. And I was driving home from afar and I was pulling in the driveway. And I got to call him kind of that kind of serious on phone and I was like, Okay, are you okay? Do you need me? He was like mother would you do me the honor of coming to Tennessee to pin me at my ceremony to staff sergeant? We're no longer homeless, but the residue was still there. Sometimes you can be delivered from something and the residue is still there. And I says Son, I'm surprised you will call and ask me, you know, the struggling. He said had it not been for you, where would we be? Yes, I'm calling you, not grandmama not granddad. No. I'm calling you. Would you do me the honor to come in here to pin me in? I say yes. I’ll never forget that phone call that they're watching us. They're watching how we handle situations. They're watching whether we stay down or whether we get back up and fight. They're watching and to see them on of their dreams and goals and starting businesses and graduate from college things I just wow.


Tamara Anderson  24:06 

Oh my goodness. I've got I got all teary on that. That was so sweet. Oh, my goodness. Yes.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  24:15 

That's not a long time ago, 14 years. You know, the only people knew me then was the welfare office. And I used to ask God why you didn't allow people to help me. You know, I was out there for you. I was it was hard. And two things came out of that when I asked him that. He told me had I allowed people to help you, they will have been say had it not been for us she wouldn't be where she is. God is not gonna share His glory with no one. But then I realized that the my particular witness is it was necessary for me. I was used to giving up in life as soon as the wind blow wrong. What I was trying to do if somebody didn't, my mom and dad didn’t like it, okay, I give up. But hey, I asked him what I needed to witness the spirits to build up that muscle. My undergrad professors told the class that the world belongs to those who are disciplined. Being homeless taught me the discipline, taught me how to keep going. And it felt like God had left me out there, but I just became stronger.

And that's what gave me the strength to walk city council. That's what gave me the strength to matriculate to college, where four years I was homeless two years before college two years in undergrad had not been for my witness experience. I don't know what I'd be a strong person I am today. I don't know my faith be where but um, it's everything I just want to say was God, I didn't know anyone. 35 years old to be homeless, no one came to my rescue. I didn't I didn't know nobody that had connections that can help me figure this thing out. I will just trust God. And sometimes it gets hard. I'm like, God, are you there? I felt like he was trying to kill me. But what God is when you end the purging process, he's cutting that stuff away. People, you know, when you're not used to people talking about you when you're not used to giving up. And it's like my children went through them. In the military, they had to go through the boot camp. The boot camp is to break you down or whatever you thought you had but when you come out you’re a soldier, you’re warrior. And so I thank God. Just feel it was necessary.


Tamara Anderson  26:35 

I love how you described it as both a wilderness experience and a boot camp. Because I think sometimes we do feel like that God has dropped us into situations where we don't know how to get out of it. And right that we don't know what the next step is. We feel like we're wandering. We're tired. We're worn out. We don't know where we're going. It you know, it is really like wandering in the wilderness. But you're right. It is a purging process. I think I think it breaks us down to rock bottom. But what better place to build than on the rock. Right?


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  27:13 

But it’s my faith. I'm always in constant praise and worship. There was no way, statistically, my family was not supposed to make it out. And I've never been to the school with problems on my kids, never had to go to the police with problems with my kids. But one day I just remember my kids said that you became our guiding light, like a mentor. Although we saw you going through all that, we heard people laughing at you and family members joking, you ain't gonna be nothing. You kept going. I asked my son when he graduated from the Marine boot camp. I said, son, how did you make it through the Marine, the hardest boot camp? He said I was watching Mom. He said, I knew everybody in town was laughing and talking about you. And and I heard you cry in the middle of the nights. But you didn't give up. He said, You're a nice looking lady. You could have left us. You could have divided us. You could’ve started drinking, joining parties, but you did none of that stuff. And I said if that woman can keep going, I can keep going. And he said that's how I made it through the Marine boot camp.


Tamara Anderson  28:35 

But it's true. We do motivate our children by what we do and what we do as mothers matters.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  28:40 

Yes, it does.


Tamara Anderson  28:44 

Is there a favorite Bible verse that has become particularly meaningful to you through all of your challenges?


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  28:57 

This first is a simple one, when it said “Jesus wept.” And it was simple but for me, the creator at any time, he could call legions of angels to his side, to his help. He didn't have to do what he did. He didn't have to save me. He didn't have to do anything. But the humanity part, that he wept, to know that things do hurt, things do get harder. Just to show the humanity part gave me the strength to keep going, gave me it's okay to experience those emotions. And that's why I tell my story about being in the hospital because I'm trying to bring awareness to mental health. You know, it's okay to go seek help. It's okay to get counseling and therapy. We need it. But for me right now that just that when that said Jesus wept for me that that right there. I mean, he's the Lord of Lords, but he cried, that he's not so above us that you He can feel what we go through. So for me it gave now when I go to him, and I still have fear, I still have when I'm going out to try something new, you know, and I just remember, okay, you bring me this far. And still, you still sometimes encourage yourself, I'm just learning how to encourage my son, I tell my kids, I won't be here always. Get to know God for yourself. That's the best advice outside of what you saw me go through, and the best advice I can give you while I'm here on this earth. Get to know God for yourself. It's gonna come in time. This world's gonna get worse. Get to know Him for yourself, build a relationship, learn how to cry out to him, learn how to give praise and worship him. I can't take that from you. Had he not stayed with me, I don’t know where I would be.


Tamara Anderson  30:51 

No, I feel the same in my life. Absolutely. I I often look at people in their dire situations and think I don't know how people do it without God's help. I really don't.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  31:02 

I know, I'm, I'm asking everything that you know, back me and I'm like, I'm asking should I do this? Should I go here? I'm asking for wisdom and God. He's only one knows our tomorrow. You know, as God, you know, even when I did my nonprofit, I just got the incorporation back. And see whoever's watching, that’s your gifts. Part of your journey, what you've been through, that's part of your gifts and passions and talents, where you go back and help somebody else come through. So the fact that he didn't forget about the homeless woman, 35 years old, black woman in the streets of Atlanta, I was just lost, I was lost in what the world said about me, family members, friends, people I was in relationship with, I got lost in what they thought about me. But now when I focus on what God says about me and how he looks at me, I was able to write 12 books within a year and a half.


Tamara Anderson  32:04 

You know, it's amazing that when we stop looking at other people, and trying to be like them, what God can do with us, it's almost like you free yourself from comparison. You put those blinders on you say, alright, I'm just gonna go for what God wants me to be, and not worry about the rest. Because ultimately, that's what matters in the end.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  32:28 

That's what's and one thing I will say today, so many people want the crown without the cross. That's why I say I'm not jealous of nobody because their cross might would kill me, you know. That what they had to go through whatever it might would have been too much for me, so I'm good with my cross. And that keeps you from trying to get jealous like you don't know what those people went through to get where they're at. And it just takes the pleasure away from just enjoying your journey. There’s something about being a disciple of Christ. When you've been through something I mean, when you know you can't is no way and ain't no friend, husband, wife, it was God. Your aura is different. You walk different. You talk different. There’s something about when you know you have been through something and was nothing but God that brought you some of you just you just move differently.


Tamara Anderson  33:21 

Mm hmm. Amen to that. Amen. No, you're absolutely right. And what you're doing now is incredible. Why don't you tell us a little bit about your books and where we can find you, where we can order your books, all of that? We'd love to hear of how we can connect with you and get more Dr. Holden in our lives.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  33:46 

Well at 14 books. So I have my life story, “No Longer Lost.” It even was named Georgia Mother the Year 2020, “No Longer Lost.” So my life story really give you the how I was brought up and what made me go off track. I just released my leadership book for aspiring and new leaders in ministry in a marketplace. I share my leadership principles that I used to navigate the streets of homelessness, run for city council, and just been in different leadership situations. I just released my parenting guide. It’s a mini parenting guide where I share over 30 years of wisdom and knowledge. I wrote this for new parents and teen parents so they can have something that they can kind of hopefully not fall into some of the pitfalls. Me being a community advocate, I wrote a four part series for youths that deals with sex trafficking, teen dating violence, bullying, and love and forgiveness. I love children, so I had to go to the little kids. I'm an author for children's books. All of my books are available on Amazon. If you order any of my books, I released my first Christian comic book last year, you will get a free autographed copy of my comic book with your order. And if you'd like to book me to speak, to do a workshop, to come even if you want some personal coaching, you can visit me at my website at www.DrLatashaHolden or email me latarshaholden@yahoo.com. And I'm so excited that you’d have me,


Tamara Anderson  35:37 

Oh, my goodness, this is this has been really amazing. And I love your excitement, your exuberance. And I just, I'm amazed what God has done with your life. And I think one of the things I'm taking the most away from this interview with you is that you can do anything with God on your side. And he can make he can make your life completely turn around from homelessness to PhD. My word, does it get more dramatic than that? I just oh, my brain is exploding.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  36:14 

I just started. I'm living. I'm free to be me. And I'm just doing whatever I feel is who I am. I'm living out loud and unapologetically.


Tamara Anderson  36:23 

Oh, I love that and and we need to live that way. You know, but but I think we need that inner confidence that only comes from God. Yes. Should be able to do it. Right. We need we need we need to believe in ourselves. Like God believes in us. Yes.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  36:41 

And it takes a minute. I'm still you know, God, you sure? Are you with me? Can I hear? You know, I'm like I wish I was back in the old days, Old Testament, so I can hear your voice talking. But you could tell me the right path. You know, long as you you operate in your lane, sometimes we discuss asking for a seat at the table. Build your own table, create your own path. And that's what I did. I just decided to create my own path. I didn't fit in to any groups. I just built my life brick by brick. I wasn't in a race with anyone. I wasn't in competition with anyone. I built my life brick by brick. I never thought I would see this time when everyone is grown. So and I sit in and just enjoy the quietness. And I'm like you did it.


Tamara Anderson  37:30 

But I think you also nailed another important step there. And that is that you don't do this jump, you know immediately it is that step by baby step or brick by brick line upon line Bible that you got to take the first step and then be brave enough to take the next one and the next one and keep going.


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  37:52 

And there's gonna be hiccups. The downfalls is gonna come. And the thing is we don't know how long those downfalls are, you just got to keep working. And I guarantee you from what I know, if you keep going, it's almost like when I took a step, God took a step, kind of like a salsa dance, you know, like, he took a step, I took a step. And before I knew and then 14 years, and I used to feel the shame. I'm like, because I didn't my life is not the traditional way. Graduate from high school, go to college, bought a big house, the car, 20, 30 years. I just rebuilt my life in the last 14 years. But I'm proud of is not the traditional way. But I'm proud of how far I've come.


Tamara Anderson  38:39 

Oh, and I can't help but think that God is proud of you too. And he's up there going and look at what I'm going to do with the next 14 years. Dr. Holden, you just wait and see. You're going to move mountains. Wow, this has been an honor seriously and a complete honor to rub shoulders with you today to, to hear your story to feel your energy to to do be able to share your motivation with those who are discouraged and feeling like I don't know what to do. And I think you've given us so many amazing tips to first of all, reach out to God and figure out what he believes you can do and then and then start building from there. Just the baby steps, right?


Dr. LaTarsha Holden  39:28 

Just the baby steps. Yeah, I didn't try to do everything at once.


Tamara Anderson  39:33 

Oh my goodness. Well, thank you so much. This has been truly an honor. I feel so blessed to be able to talk to you I feel motivated. I'm gonna I feel like I can go out and conquer the world. And that's a good that's a good feeling to have. Right? It's it's feeling to have we all need to feel that way and and realize that we each have potential.

Hey, thanks so much for listening to today's show. If you liked what you heard, subscribe so you can get your weekly dose of powerful stories of hope. I know there are many of you out there who are going through a hard time, and I hope you found useful things that you can apply to your own life in today's podcast. If you'd like to access the show notes of today's show, please visit my website, storiesofhopepodcast.com. There you will find a summary of today's show, the transcript, and one of my favorite takeaways. You know, if someone kept coming to mind during today's episode, perhaps that means that you should share this episode with them. Maybe there was a story shared or quote, or a scripture verse that they really, really need to hear. So go ahead and share this podcast. May God bless you, especially if you are struggling, with hope to carry on and with the strength to keep going when things get tough. Remember to walk with Christ and He will help you bear the burden. And above all else, remember, God loves you.


You can find the transcription of today's episode here: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/podcasts/dr-latarsha-holden-from-homeless-to-phd-with-gods-help