As a Christmas gift to her listeners, Tamara shares two audio chapters from her book, Normal for Me. One chapter talks about her son’s diagnosis of autism and the other how God helps us learn to problem solve the challenges we face.

A Special Christmas Gift: 2 Audio Chapters from my Book, Normal for Me

On today’s episode, I’m going to do something very special for you, my wonderful listeners, because it is Christmas. And to celebrate Christmas, I would love to give you a gift.

The Gift

I have two chapters I have chosen from my book, Normal for Me, that I am going to give you. This is partially to celebrate the launch of my audiobook, which happened just a few weeks ago. So I would love to share with you chapter three and chapter seven from my book, Normal for Me.

Chapter 3: Diagnosis–Dead End or Detour?

Chapter three is one of the most heartfelt chapters in my book. It is where I talk about my son Nathan’s diagnosis. This chapter was hard for me to write, but it was also a hard for me to read–because everytime I read it I went through those same emotions all over again. I actually had to stop several times when I was recording it because I would get a little emotional.

This chapter talks about the life detours that we face. And one of the fun things I did in this chapter was I wove in the story of Moses and the Children of Israel as they are leaving Egypt. They got to the edge of the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army was coming after them. And at this point in their journey they panicked and were angry with Moses for getting them to this dead end. And don’t we all feel like that at some point in our life? We think, “God, I’ve been following the path you wanted me to take. I am at a total dead end. I don’t know which way to go and I don’t know why you brought me here.”

And so, in chapter three, I talk about how I went through all of those emotions and the grief cycle. I also explain how God opens up a path I probably never would have chosen. And it’s through the Red Sea and into the wilderness called autism. This is where I was able to learn a lot of things on my detoured path.

In this chapter you will be able to experience a lot of my journey and relate to it.

Chapter 7: My Toolbox

This is a really fun chapter where I tell you a little bit about one of my hobbies, which happens to be using my toolbox and fixing things. I tell you a little bit about a Christmas gift that I got when I was 12 years old and how that plays into some of the things God expects us to do and learn so that He can help us know what actions we’re supposed to take to get us through.

So sit back and enjoy these gift chapters from my book, Normal for Me. And remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.

Buy the Book or Audiobook

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the Normal for Me book or audiobook on Amazon. Here is a direct link.

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